Hey Jammers!!
AJ just updated and its my job to tell you whats Jammin'! First up penguins are now available to EVERYONE!! Both members and non-members!! YAY!!
Next for furniture we have the new awesome star couch!!
For clothing there's nothing new except for flag and flip flops. Also now you can get hummingbirds for a 1 month membership. I have barely seen anyone with a hummingbird though. Do you have one??
Anyway also now theres the journey book for Crystal Sands. For a prize you get a lemonade stand. I was wondering if you guys want a Journey Book Guide. Comment if you do!!
Don't forget the rare values. Are there any rare items that you think should have higher value? Comment here and tell me!!
And there's the new sun balloon in the Summer Carnival. Little pricey but I LOVE it!!
And there was a riddle in the Jamaa Journal that said this:
I live in many areas around the world
My colors range from black to red
From gray to white
I am known for being sly and clever
and I am soon coming to Jamaa!!
What Am I?
I think I know what it is but what do you think? Comment and tell me! And there's the arcade sale in the Sole Arcade. All of the are 200 gems!!! That's really cheap so stock up now!
It lasts until the net update which is in two weeks. OK I think thats about it. Comment if I missed anything!! Ok until net time, JAM ON! -IceyPaw