Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jamaliday Party? Wait What?

Hey Jammers!
So there has been an unexpected Jamaliday Party today!! It starts at 4:30 which is in 6 minutes for me!

Okay, 5 now
So yeah! If you can be there! Until next time, JAM ON!! -IceyPaw ^.^


  1. Thanks for updating. I was like... What the-" do you think it is just a rare party once a week or just random

  2. When I seen this on AJ I was like?
    I think maybe it's a glitch or maybe just a random party!Lol,even though it's July 27th,I don't mind celebrating Holidays right now.^_^
    (P.S. I have a blog,if you can check it out, it would be great!: Animal Jam Passion (!)
    Oh and your blog is so awesome,I'll add it on my "Other Blogs" page on my blog ASAP!:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey!!

    I wish I was on AJ for the party!! :-(

    Please post as often as you can....(I just LOVE your blog)



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