Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hey Jammers!
Today I was in Deep Blue with my friends zippy9 and oranoo. I went to go check something and when i came back, zippy9 was invisible! Heres a pic:
And if you clicked on her name, her WOLF would come up! Also her name, Mythical Iceydog is her wolves name! Really weird huh? Also a few days ago, I was in the clothing store with zippy9 and she said I was invisible! Double weird!!! Does this happen to you? Please comment! Until next time, JAM ON! -Magical Iceystone ;)


  1. That happened to me when I was a nonmem!! Same glitch but all my animals were called Princess Orangemountiain. They said that it was a beta glitch, but I dont belive it. I asked animal Jam and they said they were testing!

  2. it happened to me when i was in my friends den and then we went in my den and she was invisable!!!!!!


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