Saturday, February 25, 2012

Temple of Zios Roof Glitch!

Hi Jammers!
There has been a glitch which gets you onto the roof of the Temple!!

(click on it to make it bigger) So I will show you how to do this glitch!! :D Its kinda tricky and takes a little bit of time to master but its fun to trick your friends!! XD Okay so first stand near the flower patch.

Stand near flower patch

Next you see the door to Brady Barr's Lab?

And that window thingy to the left of it?

Click each each one really fast a lot of times and then'll you'll climb up the wall!

The next part to get into the ruins is to drag your mouse to the left into the blue area outside your AJ screen until your animal is hidden.

Then don't let go of your moused and drag downwards until you reach the bottom. If you go inside Jamaa Township you have to start over.

Then drag your mouse right until you are right under the ruins. Its ok if your animal isn't under perfectly.

Then click the statues left eye.

Your animal should run out into the ruins and just click inside the ruins to stop yourself.

Have fun in the ruins!!! I hope this helped and until next time, JAM ON!!! :D


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